
Echoes from Eden: The Voices of God Calling Man is unavailable, but you can change that!

Our world is fallen, sick and sinful, Tozer tells us, but God continues to call sinful people to repentance and salvation. In this series of sermon excerpts, Tozer elaborates on the voices God uses: the witness of the Holy Spirit, the blood of Jesus, human conscience, reason, accountability, judgment, and, of course, love. Since the Garden of Eden God’s voice has echoed through the years to bring...

Must Start with God We cannot properly consider the voice of Jesus’ blood without starting with God Himself, where all true theology begins. Now, I know that some have said about me: “That man is always talking about God!” I can only say in reply that if that is the only charge that anyone can properly bring against me, I will be quite a happy man. I know that I talk a lot about God—about the triune God because I still believe in God. I believe in Him as God Almighty, the Father, and Jesus Christ,
Pages 40–41